E-learning for healthcare
99% of the traffic to FlorenceAcademy was coming from the marketplace and used by freelance nurses and care workers for free. The platform needed a strategy to drive monetisation but lacked features that would appeal to care homes.
Care homes struggle in helping care workers to earn the Care Certificate, there’s a lot of churn. It’s a manual and tedious process that requires a lot of handholding. By introducing a feature that simplifies and streamlines this process, we would convince care homes to pay for the solution.
Developing a user-friendly, efficient, and seamless tool for care home managers to manage the Care Certificate process for their staff. This solution would not only enhance user adoption but also create a sustainable revenue stream by monetising the solution.
Understanding the process
As I needed to understand the main struggles faced by care home managers and what their current process was, I conducted user interviews. Care home managers told me about their standard process for assigning the Care Certificate.
A tedious, manual process
The process was also really manual, with 15 workbooks to be reviewed by care home managers. The process takes around 12 weeks and requires a lot of support from care home managers.
Understanding care workers' pain points

Introducing a joint flow
Validating the solution with both users